EU4MOLDOVA: Clean Water for Cahul

The action is focusing on extension of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in the region of Cahul in the South of the Republic of Moldova. This action will bring direct tangible results to the population of the region of Cahul and will support the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement through promotion of regional development and contribution to preservation, protection, improvement of the quality of the environment in the area of water quality. The proposed action will build on the implementation of national priorities identified in the relevant national strategies and their corresponding Action Plans.

Beneficiaries: Citizens of Cahul and surrounding localities.
Obiectivul specific
- Improving water supply and sanitation situation of the population in Cahul town and its neighbouring villages Cotihana and Crihana Veche.
- Reducing water pollution and preserve the groundwater in the South of Moldova, in line with the River Basin Management Plan for the Danube - Prut and Black Sea District.
Rezultatele așteptate
- To improve the living conditions of the population in Cahul rayon through the reduction of health risks.
- To protect the environment and adopt a smarter use of natural resources.
The objectives are in line with relevant SDGs (i.e. Good Health and Well-being, Clean Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Climate Action).
Harta proiectului
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Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Good government
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