Support to the European Endowment for Democracy

The "Support to the European Endowment for Democracy" project covers the operating costs of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), a foundation whose main purpose is direct grant-making to organisations that work to promote democracy and human rights through specific flexible procedures.

Obiectivul specific
The financial support to the EED is dedicated to covering the foundation’s operating costs, including:
- Functioning of the mechanism of financial support (direct grant support to beneficiaries);
- Implementation of other activities that the EED performs as part of its mandate: seminars, studies, conferences, publications, networking events, workshops, training and visibility activities, capacity building for beneficiaries etc.
Rezultatele așteptate
-Contributing to the democratisation and to the social and economic development of partner countries by supporting pro-democracy activists.
-Providing direct support to target groups through grants, which is the main purpose of the EED, which is funded through voluntary contributions received from the EU Member States and other stakeholders.
-Implementation of other activities that the EED performs as part of its mandate: seminars, studies, conferences, publications, networking events, workshops, training and visibility activities, capacity building for beneficiaries etc.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers, Partnership that empowers, Partnership that empowers
Rule of law & human rights, Civil society, Communication & support to media
Civil society, Human rights
Țările PaE:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:

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Acest site este gestionat de Programul Regional de Comunicare finanțat de UE pentru Vecinătatea Estică ("VECINII UE de la est") 2020-2024. Programul completează și sprijină comunicarea Delegațiilor Uniunii Europene în țările partenere din est și operează sub îndrumarea Direcției Generale Vecinătate și Negocieri privind Extinderea a Comisiei Europene și a Serviciului European de Acțiune Externă. Programul este implementat de consorțiul condus de GOPA PACE.

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