Support the Moldovan Government in Identifying and Preparing Projects linked to the Implementation of the Association Agreement

The PPF Project is about strengthening the capacity of the national authorities to plan, prepare and manage public investment projects, both domestically and externally financed. It consist of 4 Components: Strengthening national external assistance coordination system; Strengthening the capacity of the national authority for external assistance; Enhancing the capacities of the line ministries in management and implementation of projects financed from external sources; Enabling the preparation of a pipeline of high quality and financially viable projects.
კონკრეტული ამოცანა ადგილობრივ ენაზე
The overall objective of the PPF Project is to strengthen project preparation competences of national authorities ensuring complementarity between the implementation of the AA and external assistance.
მოსალოდნელი შედეგები
Component 1: Strengthening national external assistance coordination system:
- National external assistance co-ordination is well positioned within the governmental structure, staffed and equipped to perform aid coordination tasks; External assistance co-ordination system covering planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of external assistance is functional with clear roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved.
- Capacities of the national authority for external assistance coordination to provide guidance including operational guiding documents to the line ministries and other relevant stakeholders on planning, implementation, reporting and monitoring and evaluation of external assistance are developed; digital support system for programming, implementation, reporting, monitoring and evaluation is in place, fully operational and user friendly.
- External assistance is coherent with and embedded into the budget process (Mid-Term Budgetary Framework and Annual Budget and is correlated with national policy framework).
- Central and sectors' co-ordination mechanisms with donors are enhanced and functioning enabling the government to identify the most appropriate sources of financing of development needs.

Component 2: Strengthen the capacity of the national authority for external assistance:
- Capacity is enhanced within the national authority for external assistance coordination to co-ordinate the management of the on-going projects, financed from external sources.
- Capacity is developed within the national authority for external assistance coordination at the Ministry of Finance to assess project appraisals submitted by line ministries, determine prioritization according to policy priorities from National development strategy, Association Agreement and SDGs within the budgeting process and in dialogue with line ministries and donor community to incorporate project proposals into the Medium Term Budget Framework and Annual Budget.
- Capacity is developed within the national authority for external assistance coordination (Ministry of Finance) to determine appropriate financing options and financial instruments for proposed projects assuring simultaneously best value for money and mid-term budgetary goals.

Component 3: Enhancing the capacities of the line ministries in management and implementation of projects financed from external sources:
- Enhancing the capacities of the ministries, state authorities and other potential stakeholders on identification, formulation, costing, budgeting, management and implementation, monitoring and reporting and evaluation of projects financed from external sources.
- Capacities of line ministries and other relevant stakeholders to design and formulate (identify, prioritise, plan including costing and identifying most appropriate aid assistance model) and implement (contracting, project management, reporting and monitoring) are strengthened.
- Capacities of line ministries and other relevant stakeholders in budgeting, planning and execution of externally funded projects are strengthened.
- Capacities of line ministries and other relevant stakeholders to manage and use digital support system is developed.

Component 4: Enabling the preparation of a pipeline of high quality and financially viable projects:
- Sector/thematic/specific project related studies/assessments/technical specifications are designed and made available to guide the decisions on the project pipeline.
- A pipeline of high quality and financially viable projects, in line with the government medium and annual investment priorities as well with the EU-Moldova Association Agenda, is developed.
- A knowledge management system in view of using experiences gained in other development projects and other government.
პროექტის დოკუმენტები
პროექტის რუკა
პროექტის დეტალები
პრიორიტეტული სფერო:
პარტნიორობა, რომელიც იცავს
მმართველობა და საჯარო ადმინისტრაცია
სათანადო მართვა
პროექტის სტატუსი:
დაწყების თარიღი:
დასრულების თარიღი:
ევროკავშირის პროექტის ნომერი:

გაინტერესებთ უკანასკნელი ცნობები და შესაძლებლობები?

ამ ვებსაიტს მართავს ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული აღმოსავლეთ სამეზობლოს რეგიონული საკომუნიკაციო პროგრამა („EU NEIGHBOURS east“) 2020-2024. ეს პროგრამა ავსებს და მხარს უჭერს ევროკავშირის წარმომადგენლობების კომუნიკაციას აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის ქვეყნებში; ის მოქმედებს სამეზობლო პოლიტიკის და გაფართოებაზე მოლაპარაკებების საკითხებში ევროკომისიის გენერალური დირექტორატის და ევროპული საგარეო ქმედებათა სამსახურის ხელმძღვანელობით. პროგრამას ახორციელებს კომპანიის GOPA PACE კონსორციუმი.

ინფორმაცია ამ ვებგვერდზე რეგულირდება პასუხისმგებლობის შეზღუდვის და პერსონალურ მონაცემთა დაცვის დებულებებით. © European Union,