Development and Introduction of E-justice Solutions in Armenia

The overall objective of the Project is the development of the unified e-Justice platform (a public portal serving as a focal point for interconnected information systems and persons to exchange information from a single access point and a set of shared components for successful interoperability between them) which will ensure digitalization of the described paper-circulation processes and access to the justice system.
The e-Justice Platform will facilitate of all the actions related to the above-mentioned areas, including external communication and internal workflows, covered by the existing internal systems or by the new portal. The whole process of document circulation through the Platform will bear electronic format.
Канкрэтная мэта
1. E-Justice portal that serves as a focal point for all inter-connected information systems and allows all persons to connect and send/receive information from a single access point
2. E-Justice shared components that are the necessary components developed or customized for successful interoperability between different relevant information systems and the E-Justice portal promoting access to justice and enabling new e-services available from the E-Justice portal
3. The communication and visibility of the E-Justice portal as well as other results of the project in line with the communication and visibility plan to be developed for this assignment.
Чаканыя вынікі
1. E-Justice portal that serves as a focal point for all inter-connected information systems and allows all persons to connect and send/receive information from a single access point
2. E-Justice shared components that are the necessary components developed or customized for successful interoperability between different relevant information systems and the E-Justice portal promoting access to justice and enabling new e-services available from the E-Justice portal
3. The communication and visibility of the E-Justice portal as well as other results of the project in line with the communication and visibility plan to be developed for this assignment.
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Digital, Good government, Justice
Статус праекта:
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Дата заканчэння:
Сацыяльныя веткі:

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