Fighting against Organised Crime in the Eastern Partnership region

The main goal of the "Fighting Against Organised Crime in the Eastern Partnership Region" project is to improve the operational cooperation of law enforcement agencies within the Eastern Neighbourhood region, the EU Member States, and with the EU agencies active in the field. The project aims to increase the partner countries‘ engagement in joint operations and activities under the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT). Promoting a further development of the operational cooperation with the Eastern Partnership region is an added value to the operational implementation of the EU Policy Cycle and increases the safety of the citizens both in the EU and its partner countries. Alignment with the EU Policy Cycle will provide opportunities for exchange of expertise and required coordination in all relevant crime areas.
Канкрэтная мэта
- To strengthen partner countries’ institutional knowledge and capacity of the EU Policy Cycle priority crime areas and increase cooperation within EMPACT.
- To enhance the intelligence capacity in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region.
- To enhance operational cooperation with EU Member States and agencies, including through EMPACT.
Чаканыя вынікі
- EMPACT priority crime areas strengthened and cooperation within EMPACT increased.
- Enhanced capacities for exchange of intelligence in the countries of the Eastern Neighbourhood region.
- Enhanced operational cooperation with EU Member States and agencies including through EMPACT.
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that protects
Rule of law & human rights, Security & conflict response
Краіны Усходняга партнёрства:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Сацыяльныя веткі:

Нумар праекта ЕС:
416- 376

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