EU4Youth: Empowered and Active Youth for a more Democratic Armenia Today and Tomorrow

The project aims to empower young people and engage them in their communities as active citizens. Also within the project we will empower youth CSOs to be sustainable organizations in future, after the project ends. The actions of the project include;
- Youth civic and democratic education though COMPASS tool
- Youth engagement in IMPACT, SKYE, Debate clubs
- Organisation of national and TV debates, also with decision makers
- Empowerment of Student councils in schools
- Promotion of at least two youth advocacy efforts in the education and employment sectors
- Organization of youth public speaking events
- Empowerment of 6 partner CSOs through institutional capacity building and sustainable income
Канкрэтная мэта
Objective 1: Empowered young people engaged in policies development
Objective 2: Empowered youth CSOs demonstrating participatory action in their communities.
Чаканыя вынікі
Youth in targeted communities are capacitated to contribute to their community as socially active citizens
Empowered youth CSOs, who demonstrate participatory action in their communities
Дакументы па праекце
Карта праекта
Social Entrepreneurship revised
Labor Rights revised
Rights of People with Disabilities
Women Rights
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that empowers
Youth participation and leadership
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:

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