Fruit Garden of Moldova

The Fruit Garden of Moldova Project is a credit line of the European Investment Bank for upgrading the horticultural sector in Moldova worth over €120 million. €12 million of them are earmarked for investments in the public infrastructure (horticultural education and training), while the other €108 million are intended for investments to be harnessed by private entrepreneurs. In addition, a €2.4 million Technical Assistance Project (TA) is supporting farmers and SMEs to access the credit line.
Канкрэтная мэта
The proposed operation will provide investment resources to a large number of micro-enterprises and SMEs. It is also expected to have a positive environmental and social impact. The proposed support to both the individual growers and the up and down-stream sector should allow for future revenues to be developed, ensuring the long-term viability of this strategically important sector for the economy.
Чаканыя вынікі
The absorption of EUR 108 million for the private sector by Moldovan entrepreneurs and finally the restructuring of the sector in the country, by setting up modern multi-annual plantations of varieties and rootstocks adapted to the international market, developing the horticultural processing sector, implementing innovations, etc. With an amount of EUR 12 million for investments in the Technical University of Moldova, the State Agrarian University of Moldova, but also in the profile colleges, the project contributes to raising a new generation of technical specialists.
Helping farmers to finance their investments
Assisting returnees to invest in their home country
Providing investment partnerships for Moldovan companies
Lifting the wine industry in Moldova to a higher level
Helping Moldovans to harness investment opportunities in growing lavender and making lavender products
Extending Business Development Support (BDS) to SMEs to enable them access finance
Rejuvenating old orchards and transforming land from arable crops to plantation crops
Technological consultancy to support investment financing
Environmental benefits from EIB-financed investment loans for the private sector
Supporting Made-In-Moldova food products
Supporting investments into renewable energies
Expediting the establishment of modern orchards
Financing the production of wine and spirits
Supporting certified organic horticulture
Modernising Moldova’s walnut subsector
Helping Moldova to substitute vegetable imports
Developing the Moldova’s table grape production
Supporting public investment into Moldova's agricultural colleges
Investing into the Agricultural State University of Moldova
Making the Technical University in Moldova become the key for education and research in horticulture processing
Карта праекта
What is Livada Moldovei Project?
Livada Moldovei spot
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that creates
Agriculture and rural development
Статус праекта:
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