Advocacy for Better Protection against Discrimination

The project seeks to strengthen the anti-discrimination mechanisms in Moldova through civil society mobilisation. The project will enable civil society actors to coalesce and advocate jointly for strengthening the domestic anti-discrimination framework; empower most vulnerable and marginalised groups to claim their rights; strengthen the capacity of the Moldovan Equality Council to share their expertise and case-law with domestic courts; increase capacity of five selected universities to prevent and curb sexual harassment. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the mechanisms for fighting discrimination in Moldova through civil society engagement.
Канкрэтная мэта
- To advocate the necessity to amend the domestic legal framework in compliance with the international and regional human rights standards.
- To empower CSOs representing vulnerable groups and their constituents (potential victims) to claim their right to non-discrimination.
- To strengthen the capacity of the Moldovan Equality Council to monitor court trials, identify relevant cases and submit amicus curiae briefs.
- To increase capacity of selected higher education institutions to prevent and combat sexual harassment.
Чаканыя вынікі
- Over 50 CSOs and individual opinion-makers jointly advocate by the Parliament and Government for improving protection against discrimination.
- To strengthen civil society policy dialogue regarding non-discrimination with relevant Parliamentary Committees and Ministry of Justice.
- To conduct at least 10 public actions and to submit over 12 joint position papers to decision-makers for strengthening anti-discrimination legislation.
- To increase public awareness on the added value of diversity, social inclusion and non-discrimination for social cohesion and sustainable development.
- To increase capacity of 20 CSOs representing vulnerable groups to identify, document, report cases of discrimination.
- At least 10 grass-roots CSOs representing vulnerable groups enabled to empower over 1000 constituents to claim their rights.
- CSOs and Equality Council successfully develop and apply joint methodology for the monitoring of court proceedings and identification of cases requiring amicus curiae briefs.
- At least 20 amicus curiae briefs submitted by the Equality Council to domestic courts.
- Research on sexual harassment in higher education institutions conducted.
- To train staff and peer-students (peer-educators) from 5 universities on sexual harassment.
- To develop and adopt internal regulations on preventing sexual harassment by 5 targeted educational institutions (universities and colleges).
- To conduct information campaigns against sexual harassment in 5 higher education institutions, reaching out to over 1500 students.
Дакументы па праекце
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers
Governance & public administration, Civil society
Good government, Civil society
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

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