Development of Network Tariff Setting Methodologies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Regulatory Strategy and Creating Regulatory Framework for Enabling Demand Side Involvement

The Association Agreement commits EU and Georgia to work towards strengthening the independence of the national energy regulatory authority and its capacity to develop the relevant regulatory framework to ensure the operation of competitive, transparent and efficient energy markets.
This twinning project provides advisory support to the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) in three main directions:
- Supporting Network Tariff Setting process
- Creating enabling environment for ensuring market opening and active participation at the wholesale and retail markets created
- Upgrade of national regulatory framework on renewable energy integration / Energy efficiency
Konkret məqsədi
To support approximation of Georgia’s regulatory framework with the Union Energy acquis and promote wholesale and retail market development in Georgia, including promoting regulatory role in market regulation, renewable energy integration and energy efficiency.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Strengthened capacity of the GNERC’s staff with the aim to design network tariff setting methodologies, ensure market opening and active demand participation, and meeting new responsibilities related to renewable energy and energy efficiency
- Drafted Network Tariff Setting Methodologies for the electricity sector
- Developed relevant rules/procedures for ensuring market opening and active demand participation developed
- Regulatory strategy and relevant secondary legislation for renewable energy integration/energy efficiency elaborated
Layihə sənədləri
Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC)
Layihə xəritəsi
Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC)
Mr. Stefan Katzmann's interview on the benefits of the Twinning projects for Green Energy development in Georgia, potential of the country in development of Green Energy, collaboration readiness of scientists and business sector in this area.
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that greens
Alt sektor:
Energy & energy efficiency
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