Supporting inter-sectoral collaboration possibilities between Research and Industry

Scientific collaboration and inter-sectoral cooperation are envisaged as major principles for successful approximation of various fields with the European Standards. The project is part of EU’s efforts to increase institutional capacities of vital public institutions to ensure effective operations and compliance with relevant EU regulations.

The project enhances capacity of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG), revises and improves existing programmes and operational activities in response to national priorities and socio-economic challenges, considering regional and international context.

The project addresses the absence of science-business collaboration, promotes intersectoral multidisciplinary research opportunities and supports advancement of the science, technology and innovation system in Georgia.
Konkret məqsədi
To address priorities and challenges in Georgia’s Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) system with the aim of ensuring interdisciplinary approach, collaborative research and promote evidence-based policy implementation in line with the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA).
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Science-business links strengthened through supportive collaborative activities and funding schemes
- Diversification of the research funding sources encouraged and inter-sectoral collaboration strengthened
- Scientific priorities identified and set
- Legal framework and grant call administration procedures of SRNSFG revised and improved
- Existing call documents and legal regulations amended/modified
- New targeted programmes initiated and implemented
- Institutional capacity of SRNSFG with view to strengthening international collaboration enhanced
- Supporting schemes/preparatory activities and capacity building based on international standards promoted and implemented
- Science communication and awareness on science-business collaboration stimulated
- Awareness-raising and science communication actions through targeted programmes and supporting activities conducted.
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG)
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Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG)
UPDATED FINAL VERSION: video within Component 4 Science Communication and awareness on science-business collaboration. Level of media coverage, press, TV, radio, social media campaigns and targeted programs for supporting raising awareness on science and collaborative interdisciplinary research
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that empowers
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Civil society
Civil society
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Bu internet səhifəsi Avropa İttifaqı tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən Şərq Qonşuluğu üzrə Regional Kommunikasiya Proqramı ("'EU NEIGHBOURS east") 2020-2024 tərəfindən idarə olunur. Proqram Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı ölkələrindəki Avropa İttifaqı Nümayəndəlikləri arasında məlumat mübadiləsini tamamlayır və dəstəkləyir, eləcə də Avropa Komissiyasının Qonşuluq Siyasəti və Genişləndirmə Məsələləri üzrə Baş Direktoratı və Avropa Xarici Fəaliyyət Xidmətinin rəhbərliyi altında fəaliyyət göstərir. Proqram GOPA PACE-un rəhbərlik etdiyi konsorsium tərəfindən həyata keçirilir.

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