Strengthened Gender Action in Cahul and Ungheni district

The Strengthened Gender Action in Cahul and Ungheni districts Programme (EVA) will focus on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment by ensuring the incorporation of the gender mainstreaming in local public policies and combating domestic violence affecting women and children in two focal regions: Ungheni and Cahul. The programme will support the main municipalities and other localities from the two districts by targeting necessary improvements in two areas: gender equality field – by strengthening capacities of local public authorities and civil society organizations, raising awareness and educating the public regarding gender equality and empowering women in local decision-making processes, and the second field - violence against women and children – by improving the capacity and assessment tools of multi-disciplinary specialists and services provided, empowering domestic violence survivors, piloting prevention programs in schools and communities, as well as raising the capacities of local CSOs.
Konkret məqsədi
- Gender equality is mainstreamed in local policy-making and decision-making.
- Victims of domestic violence, including sexual, have greater access to effective multi-disciplinary services survivor-focused.
- The violence prevention is piloted in local schools and communities.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- To produce a two-fold impact in Cahul and Ungheni districts: it will ensure that gender equality is promoted and mainstreamed in local policies and in the decision-making processes; and will increase the access of domestic violence victims to effective survivor-focused multidisciplinary services.
- Special attention will be paid to piloting violence prevention measures in schools and communities addressing this way the negative gender stereotypes, and gender-based violence.
- The LPAs, local CSOs, media institutions, and the general public will better understand the gender inequality related problems and the consequences of gender-blind decision making at all levels.
- The LPAs will develop inclusive, evidence-based policies and budgets and will understand the benefits of adopting the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life.
- A range of local initiatives will be implemented to promote women’s sustainable participation in political, economic and social life, including in the decision-making process in relevant areas.
- A specialised service will be developed for the victims of sexual violence based on the examples from the EU Member States and it will ensure that the multidisciplinary teams in Cahul and Ungheni are prepared to assist and offer effective support to women and children victims of sexual and gender-based violence.
- To improve data collection systems at local level which will be used by the service providers to develop evidence-based interventions on tackling violence against women and children.
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