Improved Support for Entrepreneurial Development in Rural Areas

The project aims to support the Ministry of Economy and the Small & Medium Business Development Agency to support existing and potential entrepreneurs in rural areas of Azerbaijan. It will do this by helping them to develop policies for business incubation and by providing them with instruments (incubator guidelines, training programmes, study visits etc.). It will also support SMBDA in providing outreach training to rural entrepreneurs by means of an online e-learning platform. Finally it will develop a co-operation platform for the national and local business support organisations and agencies to strengthen the 'eco-system' that promotes entrepreneurship
Konkret məqsədi
The purpose of the contract is to support Ministry of Economy and its relevant structures to provide improved support for entrepreneurship and SME development in rural areas.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Strengthened institutional capacity of Government to develop and implement a model of activity programming, management, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation system that meet international standards;
- New programmes developed, including new entrepreneurship programmes for women and rural youth and with activities expanded into rural areas;
- An E-Learning platform designed and piloted to expand the outreach of entrepreneurial learning and to embed entrepreneurial behavior and skills;
- A communication, coordination, and cooperation platform and network in place and supporting entrepreneurship and SME development in rural areas.
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Foto qalereya
SMBDA and Ministry of Economy, Department of Entrepreneurship Policy
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that creates
Alt sektor:
Employment and entrepreneurship
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