EU4Skills: Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training Infrastructure in Ukraine

EU4Skills: Modernization of Vocational Education and Training Infrastructure in Ukraine.
The project focuses on the renovation and modernization of VET schools and the procurement of equipment. The goal is to create a modern VET infrastructure that contributes to increased attractiveness of VET education for students and lays the foundation for effective, demand driven education that equips students with skills that the Ukrainian labor market seeks. In combination with the BMZ-Project financed by the German government the project contributes to improving the VET infrastructure in the Ukraine through targeting broad modernization measures of VET schools and a small number of Centers of Excellence (to be financed by the German government.
Konkret məqsədi
The objective of the project is to optimize and modernize the VET infrastructure network.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
A number of VET schools are renovated and provided with new equipment and contribute to the modernization of the Ukrainian VET system.
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Partnership that creates, Partnership that creates
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Education, Research and Innovation, Economy & trade
Education, Skills, Business
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