Thermal Rehabilitation of Educational Buildings in Cantemir - CanTREB

The general objective of the project: to improve the energy efficiency and indoor comfort in 4 public buildings in Cantemir by taking comprehensive thermal rehabilitation measures aimed at the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 according to Cantemir Sustainable Energy Action Plan. The measures include: thermal insulation of the building envelope, installation of a biomass boiler plant, individual heating control points, installation of solar collectors and photovoltaic panels, replacement of internal lighting system to LEDs.
Konkret məqsədi
- To improve the energy efficiency and indoor comfort in 4 public buildings in Cantemir by taking comprehensive thermal rehabilitation measures aimed at the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 according to Cantemir Sustainable Energy Action Plan.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Energy saved: 54% of the total energy SEAP for heating and 14% of the overall SEAP.
- CO2 emissions reduced by 15% of the total SEAP for heating and 11% of the overall SEAP.
- Operational and maintenance costs reduced by 12% for 4 public buildings.
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Partnership that greens
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Energy & energy efficiency
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