Supporting Ukraine in rebuilding and recovery

The major focus of the project is to support the recovery activities of the Government and to make recovery as effective as possible. KSE team is proposing to structure the project around two streams of work that are crucial in the current Ukrainian reality. The team is planning to expand our work on the internalization of the activities through the launch of the Ukraine Global Institute (UGI) and to support the government in the EU accession.
Konkret məqsədi
Output 1. Improved policy and decision-making on the recovery process in Ukraine.
Output 2. Increased availability of analytical products in the recovery process.
Output 3. Improved research work and policy advice to the government by the civil society on national economic issues.
Output 4. Enhanced capacities of and support to Ukrainian policy maker and civil servants on EU integration
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1. Improved policy and decision making on the recovery process in Ukraine.
2. Enhanced coordination of international analytical support to Ukraine.
3. Increased availability of analytical products on the recovery process.
4. Improved research and policy advice to the government from civil society on national economic issues.
5. Enhanced capacities of and support to Ukrainian politicians and civil servants on EU integration
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Good government, Education, Political relations, Women
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