Civil Society for the European Integration (Resilient CSOs + Responsible Budgeting = Accelerated AA implementation)

The Action is focusing on strengthening CSOs’ capacity in the process of implementation of the Association Agreement, including at local level. The Action will primarily focus on community- based CSOs and ensure their bridging with well-established CSOs through consolidating the platforms and facilitating the engagement and partnership building among CSOs. All activities will focus on monitoring budgets and policies related to AA implementation, as well as building the capacities of CSOs in this regard, which will facilitate the AA implementation. It will allow the CSOs to join efforts on monitoring and advocacy activities with regard to budgetary and policy matters related to the implementation of the AA. The Action will integrate cross-cutting issues related to gender-equality, environmental practice, inclusion of people with disabilities and minority groups. There will be facilitated the bridging, networking, partnerships and knowledge sharing between community-based CSOs and CSOs from the central level, while the supported platforms will aim at extending their membership by making them more representative at the local/community level.
Konkret məqsədi
The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to increased capacity of CSOs to support the implementation of the conditionalities attached to Moldova’s EU candidate status and the Association Agenda, at national and local level.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
15 civil society organisations are trained and equipped in budget monitoring of local projects.
30 local and central projects linked to the Europeanisation agenda have been monitored and 30 independent budget analysis reports have been published by capacitated CSOs.
1 visibility and advocacy campaign for budget monitoring has been implemented.
Layihə sənədləri
Layihə xəritəsi
Launch event of the project_may 15, 2023
Reels 5. Экономические преимущества европейской интеграции. Marina Soloviova
RU. Reels 4. Как европейская интеграция способствует местному развитию. Vitalie Rapcea
RU. Reels 3. Референдум о вступлении Молдовы в Европейский Союз. Mihai Mogîldea
RU. Reels 2. Гендерное равенство в контексте вступления в Европейский Союз. Liliana Palihovici
RU. Reels 1. Защита ребенка в контексте вступления Молдовы в Европейский Союз. Mariana Ianachevici
Reels5. Beneficiile economice ale integrării europene. Marina Soloviova
Reels.4 Ce beneficii are integrarea europeană pentru dezvoltarea la nivel local. Vitalie Rapcea
Reels 3. Mihai Mogîldea. Referendumul cu privire la aderarea Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană
Reels. Protecția copilului în contextul aderării Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană. Mariana Ianachevici v1
Reels. Egalitate de gen în contextul aderării Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană. Liliana Palihovici v1
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Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that empowers
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Civil society
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