European School Summer Camp 2018

“European School Summer Camp” is a preparatory phase for potential students of the Eastern Partnership European School and for other interested young representatives in EaP and EU countries. The establishment of the Eastern Partnership European School is part of the broader regional effort to address the needs of youth, focusing on secondary education. It is a flagship project of the Commission in the Eastern Neighborhood and one of the “Eastern Partnership – 20 Deliverables for 2020”.

“European School Summer Camp” is an international cross cultural, non-formal platform, where peer-educators are prepared with multi-cultural understanding and tolerance among young people in the Eastern Partnership region. It builds on the experience of the pilot summer camp implemented in Georgia in 2017, and offers opportunities to young people to participate in summer camps during 2018, 2019, 2022. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, 2020- 2021, project hosted a Virtual Exchange. It aims to support and prepare peer educators with common European civil values and to foster cooperation, multi-cultural understanding and tolerance among young people in the Eastern Partnership region.
Konkret məqsədi
To support and prepare peer educators with common European civil values and to foster cooperation, multi-cultural understanding and tolerance among young people in the Eastern Partnership region.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Participants become peer educators in their countries, they have a better understanding of the EU and its values
- Non-formal space for cross-national dialogue is established, the network among European youngsters is supported (including online platform/blog for future partnership)
- The modules and workshops are designed which focus on cultural, social diversity and promotion of tolerance among the youth
- Personal and professional skills of youth are developed in 6 out of 8 lifelong competences in context of EU Values
European School Summer Camp 2018-2021
European School Summer Camp 2018
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Foto qalereya
European School Summer Camp 2018-2021
European School Summer Camp 2022 - Opening Ceremony
European School Summer Camp 2019 Opening
European School Summer Camp 2018 in Georgia Opening Ceremony
European School Summer Camp 2022 - Reporting Video
European School Summer Camp 2022 - Promo
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that empowers
Alt sektor:
Youth participation and leadership
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