HOPE - Holistic Child Protection Environment in Moldova

HOPE – Holistic Child Protection Environment in Moldova – aims to promote and protect the rights of children in Moldova. HOPE will provide individual support and necessary assistance to children and youth at risk to diminish the risk of violence of and against children and support the full integration of the children/youth in the community. We work with children, youth, parents, caregivers, foster carers, social workers, teachers, businesses, local and central authorities as well as the wider community on child violence prevention measures. We focus on three different areas:
- Juvenile justice: We support the reintegration and inclusion of child and youth offenders through individual support and vocational training.
- Specialised foster care: We support families at risk with direct material support, we strengthen the capacity of foster carers through trainings and relevant tools, and we lobby for the adoption of specialised foster care guidelines.
- Rural schools: We work with children, parents and teachers in rural schools on the prevention of violence.
Konkret məqsədi
HOPE project aims to contribute towards a strengthened child protection and violence prevention mechanism in Moldova to end child violence and violence against children (SDG4, SDG16) via:
- Developing new child protection policies and procedures with stakeholders to enhance ability of children to access rights.
- Provide capacity building trainings, innovative tools/solutions and individual support for children at risk and stakeholders in regular contact with children to end child violence.

Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Provided social, legal and psychological support to children at risk and their families.
- Strengthened capacities of stakeholders in direct and regular contact with children.
- Developed and advocated for government endorsement guidelines for specialized foster care for children at risk.
- Established the mechanism of Children’s Parliaments for the prevention and fight against violence in rural schools.
- Strengthened capacities of children in non-violent conflict resolution mechanisms.
- Strengthened capacities of children in conflict with the law to facilitate reintegration into society.
- Sensitized community to the reintegration of children who have been in conflict with the law.
- Elaborated and implemented inter-institutional procedures to increase the involvement and responsibility of central local authorities in the social reintegration for children at risk and in conflict with the law.
- Provided policy input into the development of the Government-led Child Protection Strategy.
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Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that empowers, Partnership that creates, Partnership that protects
Alt sektor:
Inclusion, Education, Research and Innovation, Rule of law & human rights
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