EU for Integrity - the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action for the Eastern Partnership

The Project aims to support the Eastern Partner countries to implement evidence-based anti-corruption policies by leveraging the OGP platform to design and implement reforms to enable open, inclusive, and responsive governments and citizen-centred service delivery through strengthening civic engagement and CSOs participation. This is in line with the relevant targets of the EU-EaP '20 Deliverables for 2020', reflects the policy objectives outlined in the Joint Communication 'Eastern Partnership policy beyond 2020’ and will be adapted in view of the EU-EaP long-term policy objectives post-2020. The objectives of the Project will be achieved through a combination of technical assistance, peer exchange, and knowledge sharing activities. Furthermore, grants are envisaged to strengthen civil society engagement for policy advocacy, monitoring, and good practice in the areas of anti-corruption, justice sector, and public administration. Likewise, innovation grants will be awarded to support the development of online tools that help enable civil society to hold governments accountable. Finally, high-level outreach of governments to mobilise political support for reforms, and activities aimed at strengthening multi-stakeholder collaboration will be organised.
Konkret məqsədi
- To enhance the EaP countries’ governments and civil society dialogue to foster implementation of open government reforms in the areas of anti-corruption, justice sector and public administration.

- To increase civil society engagement and support new digital tools to tackle high-level corruption as a particular reform obstacle.

- To build alliances and to support reform champions in corruption-prone sectors that affect citizens the most: integrity in education and business in the EaP.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Enhanced participation of civil society in developing and implementing OGP national action plans; improved delivery and monitoring of open government reforms; high-level political support secured from key reformers and champions.

- Increased civil society access to innovations and tools for strengthening civil society and citizen monitoring of government programs and policies; improved delivery of open government reforms that harness technology to address high-level corruption.

- Strengthened dialogue between government and civil society in OGP multi-stakeholder forums; enhanced participation of stakeholders working on reforms in corruption-prone areas in open government policy design and implementation process; government and civil society working on anti-corruption reforms in EaP countries are better connected.
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Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers
Alt sektor:
Governance & public administration, Governance & public administration, Public Administration Reform
Good government
ŞT ölkələri:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
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Bu internet səhifəsi Avropa İttifaqı tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən Şərq Qonşuluğu üzrə Regional Kommunikasiya Proqramı ("'EU NEIGHBOURS east") 2020-2024 tərəfindən idarə olunur. Proqram Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı ölkələrindəki Avropa İttifaqı Nümayəndəlikləri arasında məlumat mübadiləsini tamamlayır və dəstəkləyir, eləcə də Avropa Komissiyasının Qonşuluq Siyasəti və Genişləndirmə Məsələləri üzrə Baş Direktoratı və Avropa Xarici Fəaliyyət Xidmətinin rəhbərliyi altında fəaliyyət göstərir. Proqram GOPA PACE-un rəhbərlik etdiyi konsorsium tərəfindən həyata keçirilir.

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