Decent work now!

To contribute to the protection of labour rights in Armenia, Decent Work Now! project aims to reach the following overall objective: Enhancement of individual, collective, and state mechanisms of labour and social rights protection and their application in Armenia through empowerment of employees and labour unions and advocacy for legislative framework reform. The action takes on a comprehensive approach to labour rights with a philosophy that the effectiveness of state protection mechanisms and guarantees depends on how empowered and informed individual citizens and labour unions are about their rights. This approach will allow the applicant and partners to build and disseminate resources that inform citizens about their individual and collective labour rights and provide specific skills to those who decide to come together for creating unions and making use of international and local mechanisms for ensuring their right to decent work.
Konkret məqsədi
Objective 1 – To improve and implement mechanisms of protecting citizens’ labor and social rights by taking actions aimed at raising their awareness, providing the necessary legal aid and protecting their violated rights.
Objective 2 – To strengthen mechanisms of collective protection of labor rights and human rights-based approach to employment by raising awareness and developing target capacities based on reliable and complete information collected through a baseline survey.
Objective 3 – To contribute to the reform of state mechanisms of labor rights and social protection through monitoring, analysis of legislation and policy, recommendations.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
Citizens’ labor and social rights protection mechanisms will be improved and implemented due to actions aimed at raising their awareness, providing the necessary legal aid and protecting their violated rights.

As a result of the Project, mechanisms of collective protection of labor rights and human rights-based approach to employment will be strengthened.

The Project will contribute to the reform of state mechanisms of labor rights and social protection through monitoring, analysis of legislation and policy, and recommendations.

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Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that protects
Alt sektor:
Rule of law & human rights
Good government
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Bu internet səhifəsi Avropa İttifaqı tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən Şərq Qonşuluğu üzrə Regional Kommunikasiya Proqramı ("'EU NEIGHBOURS east") 2020-2024 tərəfindən idarə olunur. Proqram Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı ölkələrindəki Avropa İttifaqı Nümayəndəlikləri arasında məlumat mübadiləsini tamamlayır və dəstəkləyir, eləcə də Avropa Komissiyasının Qonşuluq Siyasəti və Genişləndirmə Məsələləri üzrə Baş Direktoratı və Avropa Xarici Fəaliyyət Xidmətinin rəhbərliyi altında fəaliyyət göstərir. Proqram GOPA PACE-un rəhbərlik etdiyi konsorsium tərəfindən həyata keçirilir.

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