Women’s Power - Economic and Political Participation for Inclusive Societies in Georgia

The project “Women's Power” aims to support women and girls in four regions of Georgia (Kakheti, Guria, Racha and Imereti) to participate equally in economy and politics and change patriarchal mindsets and stereotypes. Feminist activists, including young people, will be trained and funded to implement local actions that contribute to increased women’s political and economic participation. The action will result in tangible changes improving the lives of local women and men, girls and boys.
Konkret məqsədi
Change mind-sets by decreasing stigmatization, stereotypes, patriarchal views, and increase women’s monitoring of, and participation in, policy making and budget planning in their municipalities, bringing tangible improvement to women’s lives from Guria, Kakheti, Racha and Imereti.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
Result 1: 15 local empowerment and youth trainers will have 2 training tools (in Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, Russian) addressing 4 key empowerment areas (political, economic, equality & rights, participatory sustainability planning and budgeting) and adapted to the local situation of women and minority groups.

Result 2: strengthened capacity of 240 local women and men from civil society and CSOs/CBIs, 650 youth and 150 WWDs who are able to use new (digital) skills to integrate their priorities into local decision-making and budgets, access public services and funds, increase economic independence and change mind-sets.

Result 3: 30 sub-granted community-actions and 60 youth-actions (30-35% of total budget) in the 4 regions are engaging 6000 local women, men and youth to increase their economic/political participation and their perspectives in (social) media.

Result 4: Strategic networking and community-data surveys ensure impactful policy participation and cooperation with elected local councils, parliamentarians and PM’s office to enter target group needs and priorities into public budgets, programs
Sub-grant to the organization "Center for Participation and Collaboration - CPC"
Sub-grant to the organization "Women's Union for Inclusion"
Sub-grant to the Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti Self-Government Resource Center
Sub-grant to the Racha Development Support Fund "Edena"
Sub-grant to the initiative group "Social Development Association"
Sub-grant to the organisation "Curie's Laboratory"
Sub-grant to the organization "Center for Regional Initiatives "Bright Future"
Sub-grant to the organization "Women with Disabilities for Equality"
Sub-grant to the initiative group "Digital space - More Opportunities"
Sub-grant to the organization "Vector of Progress"
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Foto qalereya
5th and final video about ethical media coverage
მე-4 ვიდეო - შშმ ქალებთან დაკავშირებული საკითხების ეთიკური გაშუქება
Summarizing Video
გრაფიკული ვიდეოების სერია
Mzia Sharashidze
Ekaterine Ostrowsky
Saida Khosadze
Rosa Marikyan
Kristine Dzirkvadze
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that empowers
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