PGG: Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan

This project seeks to provide support to the Azerbaijani authorities in their path towards the signature and ratification of the Istanbul Convention and to bring national legislation and policies in line with the Council of Europe standards.The project is part of gender equality dimension of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Azerbaijan for 2018-2021. The main focus of joint Council of Europe-Azerbaijani authorities' actions includes:
- assessing the institutional capacity to prevent and combat VAW/DV in Azerbaijan
- providing technical assistance to promote the signature of the IC
- strengthening capacity of justice sector officials to respond to cases involving violations of women's rights through gender sensitive and victim-centred approaches.

This project is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II (2019-2022).
Konkret məqsədi
- To raise awareness on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention) and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan;
- This project seeks to provide support to the Azerbaijani authorities in their path towards the signature and ratification of the Istanbul Convention and to bring national legislation and policies in line with the Council of Europe standards.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Enhanced understanding on the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards;
- Increase in the authorities’ capacity to develop national legislation and policies in line with CoE standards on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, including the Istanbul Convention;
- Application of knowledge and skills on the Istanbul Convention and CoE standards on gender equality by legal professionals and civil servants when dealing with cases of violence against women and domestic violence.
Layihə xəritəsi
Expert video on Article 52 - EN
Expert video on Article 52 - AZE
Expert video on Article 16 - EN
Expert video on Article 16 - AZE
Expert video on Article 13 - EN
Expert video on Article 13 of the IC - AZE
Expert video on Article 12 of the IC - EN
Expert video on Article 12 of the IC - AZE
Video testimonial Yegana Nabiyeva EN 1
Video testimonial Yegana Nabiyeva Az
Video testimonial Sudaba Mammadova EN 2
Video testimonial Sudaba Mammadova En 1
Video testimonial Sudaba Mammadova Az 2
Video testimonial Sudaba Mammadova Az 1
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers
Alt sektor:
Rule of law & human rights, Inclusion
Human rights
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