ESCape – Employment, Support, Counselling to Meet Labour Market Needs

The project is dealing with existing gaps in the field of unemployment in Georgia, through improving quality of employment services in terms of job placement and career counseling for unemployed and job seekers. It is also focused on skills development and improving competences of unemployed, disadvantaged groups by implementing a new model of intensive coaching and providing key competences training for “hard to employ” individuals throughout the country.

This project is a part of EU's Skills4Jobs programme and overall efforts for economic development.

Konkret məqsədi
- Improved quality of employment services provided by the SESA in the fields of job placement and career counselling for unemployed and jobseekers in the target regions through the exchange of international experiences and increased institutional capacities of the SESA.
- Improved skills development and competences of unemployed disadvantaged groups by implementing a new model of intensive coaching and providing key competences training for “hard to employ” individuals by CSOs in the framework of a Public-Private-Partnership with SESA.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
By significantly enhancing the quality of SESA’s digital & analogue service provision the Project will (1) make relevant skills-matching services more accessible and effective in Georgia as whole, especially career- guidance, counselling and job intermediation. In addition, through the innovative coaching model implemented by CSOs, it will (2) make relevant lifelong learning skills provision in the target regions more accessible. Accessibility and popularity of these service provisions will furthermore be boosted by targeted awareness- raising campaigns for unemployed individuals and employers.
Layihə xəritəsi
Summarising video about training course for job coaches – updated
Promotional Video ARM Subtitles
Promotional Video - AZER subtitles
Promotional Video ESCape - updated
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers, Partnership that empowers
Alt sektor:
Employment and entrepreneurship, Governance & public administration, Civil society, Inclusion
Jobs, Good government, Education, Skills, Good government, Civil society, Women
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